Thursday, September 28

Check this out...!

*Click it*
I've yet to figure out
how to actually put video on here:)
check it out anyway,
it's a sweet video with
my Beautiful people on it.

Monday, September 25

A Happy Birthday...

to YOYO!!!
How do you feel at 21 Yoyo?
I remember those years.
I was young.
I wasn't as wise as I am now. Welcome to years of 21, it's a lot of fun, you will like it... ha.

Here's a collection of items that remind me of you;)




~Old Men (lol!))


~Cows (they even cowFU)

~Purses ~Earrings

~Your compassion towards people

~Laughter a.k.a. JOY

~Last, not least,


:)Happy Birthday Yo:) Love ya!:D

ALSO, a Happy Birthday to my uncles

Nelson & Gerald:D

Also, there's another birthday to celebrate... my blog:) It's been a year since I've started this. Crazy.

Monday, September 18

"I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning" Luke.10.18.

The power of God's reign is so manifest in Jesus' words and deeds that Satan's reign is self-destructing. Evil has no real power wherever the teachings of Jesus are heard and obeyed.

Let me fear no evil but let me fear to live apart from Your word and Your will.

From Wisdom of the Carpenter, Ron Miller. The book has some good stuff.

Tuesday, September 12


i'm clinging on, hanging on, i'm a leech...
i don't have very long arms either, but still i try to keep hanging on to everything in my life. to have a handle on ALL things, balance everything, trying to give myself to everything and not just one thing.
that hit me today.
i'm getting tired. of stretching myself out. in really, ways i don't have to at all.
finding my center point... that sweet spot in my relationship with God, where I can always come back to, place of balance and security in Him, where I can keep dancing and not fall.

"Let there be no space in me
where you are not present,
no corner of my life
which you do not fill".

Monday, September 11

We're sepereated. Me 'n Yo. We can't laugh together anymore. Or fight. No more cow-fu on each other.
But one thing that brings us together... CELL PHONE!

Yoyo's in Abby, I'm in Williams Lake.

We departed yesterday.

Yoyo, Amanda 'n I went down to Abby, had a beautiful dinner with Jimmy, Andrew 'n Thomas, we went to church and saw our
beautiful people, I went to the Hill Haven and welcomed the NEW Lifeteamers (... WELCOME NEW LIFETEAMERS! IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU!!!), I met up with Mercy and then said my g'byes :( I'm goin to miss my South home.

But no fear, I'm goin to visit a lot for sure.

Hey, Yo came out of the summer with a new name: Stands with a Fist.
Well put Dave, she does have quite a bit stamina for her young age.

Cows are special to me 'n Yo.