And we start with Jesus! It's the bright light...
LOL Cheryl, if you're checkin' these, ya know what I mean.
Sorry everyone, I'll include you on the inside. Simply this: every bright light we see is... Jesus!
AnyWHO is this? Some gorgeouseses lady anyway.
Whew, hotness.
This was part of my summer. Well... when I was off work, I was the driver for April 'n Catlin. We went to Tsuniah. Didn't we have fun makin' the video?

Whoa, take a look at thatl tupe, tupae, whatever, that's what I got!
My girls, I miss 'em too. Well I'll introduce you to my Small Group in Abby. GRITS Church. We all got the cravings for candy 'n chocolate. So we listened to our urges.

Sandwiched between us is Jess 'n Hattie.
The cool spinner in the kids jungle gym close to the climbing gym in Abbotsford during one of our all-nighters that was a lot of fun *takes a breath*
Miss Yoyo. And our many cruisings up to the Lifers.
In the back you'll see the Haven, Lifeteams home. It's gorgeous up there, call me 'n I'll have to take you there!

Yep, that's me. When I had my long hair.
Oh how I miss my long hair. Not the most stunning picture of my hair down, but it was up 'n I took it down 'n took a "before" picture. Then my hair got chopped. Into bangs at least. It was hideous. To me. Never again.

On our way back to Abby, one of the stops
K, this is my cousin's graduation, Kimmy!