He is the Creator.
He's made everything! There is nothing He doesn't know. In the midst of your joy, share your joy. Give much thanks-giving and praise to the Lord! Every blessing we receive has come down from the throne of God. Even our suffering, the chaos in the world is a blessing. We can hope in Him who's made it in persevering, enduring, His hope does not disappoint us. God
is true to His words, we will never face more than we can ever bare. The waters will not engulf us and steal our breath.
I rant on in this not jus for comfort comfort, but encourage whoever's reading,
you're right where you are. If not, don't sweat bullets, God will place you there!
I write all this because.. I'm EXCITED about life.
I feel so pumped- to encourage those around me, to jus live. Not
to care what anyone thinks of me, but only the thoughts God has for and about me.
And so I long to live that way. Only caring about God's thoughts and call on my life.
He speaks through people no doubt. But my hope isn't in people. I'm given a Spirit.
Wohoo! God gives me spirit of love, control, discernment and authority.
I'm not deservant of this.
Sometimes I hate life. Ick! Life's gross, sin is so overwhleming
that I would jus like to hide under a rock forever. And ever. And ever.
I feel like this only when my life is self-centered. It means I'm not God-centered.
My 'self' doesn't carry hope, or love, or goodness or joy. God is all of that.
I lose all the zest of life when I'm trying to live for myself.
And there's this lovely lil battle within me, flesh and the Spirit.
Flesh, is SO UGLY.
God's given me a face for flesh. Sometimes I choose to ignore the Spirit.
Flesh does "what I want!" Or so I think.
I fall on my face.
I lose grip of God's hand.
I weaken.
And shamed.
I cry out and am reminded of the Spirit.
And the Spirit is SO BEAUTIFUL.
The "face" of Him is... unignorable.
I gaze into the face of forever, face of goodness,
and I heal from within.
His Spirit washes me with GRACE.
Thank you Lord.
I gain strength,
My soul is in harmony with the Lord.
Not by anything I could do, but by His abounding grace that spreads over my soul.
Over multitude of my sins, and they are made to nothing.
Light of hope shines.
I am reminded of Peter placing his feet out of the boat,
he pushes himself off the boat and then he's walking... on water.
With Jesus.
He's looking at Jesus.
He's looking to where he needs to be, the one He's aiming to be like.
Hope fills his eyes, a "knowing" that it's possible, and joy comes.
Then he falls, because He takes his eyes off Jesus.
He's looking at the wind, and everything else around him.
Part of me thinks he was looking at himself, at his feet.
"He sees where he's at and knows how "far" he has to go before
he anywhere near looking like Jesus".
Strength of the hope he had disappears and fear rushes in.
He sinks immediately.
Before the waters rush over his head,
a hand reaches out above the wild waves.
"Little faith. WHY did you doubt?"
The words "It's okay. It's all going to be okay" are repeated everywhere when someone
needs comfort. These words for me personally have become life words. They mean more,
in that God has his hand in everything. His hand is in my life! Those words used to annoy me so
much before. It seemed meaningless when someone said it to me. It wasn't meaningful.
But now I'm like "Amen, brother (or sis)"
We ask and ask again to go out to this place or that, places we dreamed to be.
Sometimes we doubt.
Peter asked to go out on the water.
We ask to go out on the water.
Jesus says "Come".
1 comment:
hey jo. The above comments are blogspam. Just delete them and click the 'remove forever' box... it makes it like it never happened.
Thanks for writing this by the way. It's good for me to read.
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