Thursday, November 10

Beautiful to me...

Yahweh, You are beautiful to me.
Your beauty far greater than the angels,
further than the dance of the sunset fire,
deeper than the ocean at gaze.
You captivate me, o my soul does fly.
I, with the wind, do make my sails,
upon your breathe,
in your Son shining glory.
Your wonder brings comfort upon my troubled soul.
Your emnity draws my soul to your peace.
O Beauty does mount up your name.
Jesus... how I do love thee.
So beautiful, all your ways, my Love.
You meet me in the morning,
your warmth of kiss to my soul,
my thoughts are of you all my days,
and my every moment that i am awake.
Your wonder not due at sun break,
but it goes on in through the nights,
we walk upon the beach of my life.
We gaze at the stars you have placed.
We walk, we run, we sit, we dance.
My Lord, theres none but words I can find,
none in this world, for its not of You,
none that could describe Your beauty in my eyes.
How much more wondrous you are!
Draw me closer, draw me into Your heart...
Your beauty fills my eyes, I can only stare,
there's none that I can say but-
Jesus, You are so beautiful to me

This is a psalm, a love letter. Again in my dorm room at Columbia Bible College, during my first year, I was just awed at the remarkable beauty of my Lord. When I think of God, I see more than the beauty of sunsets, more synchronizing than that of fire, the peace of that soft blowing wind... SHEER beauty. None like Him, so I have written this...

I was supposed to write a psalm for one of our trips sailing on the ocean (close to Victoria). I wrote this before I went out sailing in my room, imagining what it would be like out on the ocean, to see the sunrise and sunset.
This poem was just a foreshadow. My experience was my poem made alive to see, to hear, to breathe, but even more so because... i was actually there.

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