Well, I got through this semester. I squeezed through the brushes, blazed some new trails in my life, working on some old ones, mostly peeled through muddy areas where I have been getting stuck. Overall, I'm bomming on life's crazy roads and enjoying it!
It's been really strange though. I think I have done bad in school... I still feel strangely at peace about EVERYTHING. I'm scared, I feel bad... that I'm so at peace.
God? What's happening?
So worries of school is not all-consuming for me. Rather... concerns of the Kingdom have been penetrating my thoughts. So through these classes, my mind, my soul has been in the middle of "warfare". God been speaking to me BIG TIME about L-i-F-E-! I know I keep saying this and blah blah blah that. But seriously...

ah... I dunno, I'm jus amazed at life. "The Lord is the Author of my life"-what He's been writing is amazing revelation after revelation.
I'll shut-up. I'm scattered.
I been through the mine-field. I'm tired. Need rest. Need to think things over. And have got to rerange things in my life.
Of 6 classes =P, I had only 3 exams.. well, and one paper.
I'm kind of sketched about Revelation exam. Joshua and Judges was easier than I thought, let's hope his marking isn't hard! And finally I had one today (Friday) and I LOVED IT! lol we had a rumble in the chapel, all 4 classes were together and we did the "wave", drum-rolled and cheered for our teacher. Did half of our "intense" exam, then 2nd half 4 of us got together and disected Matthew 2- this was especially fun. We had to memorize the EXEGETICAL METHOD and investigate Mt.2 at the same time, a lot of collaberating and working together, wohoo! Seriously though, I did really have fun.
I love being part of something great.
Home. I'm going home! Yoyo, Billy 'n me, oh 'n Reaco going from Fraser Valley to Nemiah Valley.
My family is here, do some shopping, Christmas is in the air.
What I was encouraged today: "Hope was born into this world, regardless of efforts made by humans to stop God's plans, God's WILL prevails! His will is that we have life, life to the full. This hope came to us as a person! Go Jesus Go!"
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