I'm back in Abby, been for a lil while, since the 29th of December:) This was our first New Years away from Nemiah, for the first two weeks I been home. Visit family, bug Trev, go skating, bug Trev, visit people at the church, watched my baby cousins get baptized, bug Trev s'more, did some spinnies with our jeep in the valley, pester Billy, a whole lot of couch potato-ing (yessssssssssssssssss), had 4 turkey dinners, get picked on by everyone (I dunno why, I'm so nice to everyone), and spent some amazing nights at Tracey and John's place with their girls.
It was really good. Talked a lot about what our King has granted in our lives.. my path is made a lil more clear..
The day after we got back from home, we went snowboarding and skiiing at Manning Park. I enjoy teaching. I helped Ashleigh and her bro Nathan to snowboard. They caught on pretty quick, I was impressed. OH! Ha this day was a funny day. Sort of. Not really. I was jus really wired that day, I had no sleep at all the night before, I was up late with Adam and Kryssi, with a lot of coffee pumped into me and a whole lot of energy drinks. This past week I haven't had so much energy drinks, EVER! So we had to meet at our church 6 in the morning. I LOVE looking at droggy faces in the morning. I was seriously the only perky person there. Think they got annoyed of me. I was quite surprised at how energetic I was that day. By 7 or 8 o'clock I was ZONKED! I could barely hold a conversation and not sure if anything that came out of my mouth made sense. Lil after 8 Amanda calls me. Haha. It went pretty good though, we talked for 2 hours and have a date on.. 14th. A phone date. Yea! Amanda, my lil "white-indian" from Ontario- I LOVE YOU!
Yo dropped me off in Burnaby on the 31st... wait. No. Ha, I mean Adam came out here to Abby picked me up at Timmy's and we drove out to Burnaby. Me and Adam spent New Years with Malevita and Kryssi, first at Mal's house and then downtown Vancouver. It was pretty good. Low-key, I like low-key and also with a bit of hype on Robson, Granville and some other places.
At about 4 in the morning (on 1st) Adam left. Forever ='(
No. He left for Calgary. For work. I miss you Adam. I'll be seeing you soon.
5 in the morning I got a call from my highschool friend Dan. LOL. We were still up watching some movies and my phone was ringing. "Who is calling me at 5 in the morning?" Haha, it was Dan. He was wishing me a Happy New Years. We had an interesting good long conversation. After that I faded out and woke up at 1. Stayed there til 5 =S
We literally didn't move, but only for food and if we had to go to pee lol.
Wow we are lazy.
Today I registered for classes. Looks like I will be a busy girl. I got 4 classes and auditing 1. I actually only need 3 to graduate this April but decided I wanted 2 more "fun" classes.
My life lately has been emphasized on prayer, worship and surrender. I concluded this is life. A christians life.
I love it.
It's amazing.
It's hard.
It's the narrow path, where few find it.
The road less travelled.
God's patience for me is what I've been VERY THANKFUL for.
My classes are: Adolescent Psychology, Hermeneutics, Psalms, and will be Effective Teaching and I am auditing Worship Leading 1. I hope I can do that with the last 2.
Yoyo is taking Prayer Ministry for me lol. For me. She needs extra classes and we are going to glean off of each other.(I just gleaked. Or is is gleeked. I'm chewing gum and this spray of spit just came out from my mouth... and all over my computer screen.. yea)
So I'm excited about this semester. It'll be busy. It'll be good.
So this entry is a whole lot of rambling. Just about what I did. Enjoy.
I'll conclude with this:
I believe a leaf of grass
is no less than the journey-work of the stars.~Walt Whitman
I just really notice the detail our Creator puts into everything around us. It's impressive, it's beautiful, it's so... detailed. I been convicted about the detail I put into my work, my life and everything. I'm working on it.
It's a lot like ART. I'm quite anal about the detail of my art, I'm going to take that into my life.
There's an art of looking at God.
Of seeing God.
There's art of expressing God.
Also art of living God.
How am I personally an artist of God in my life?
This has been my question.
The journey-work put into grass has the same effort put into the stars. They both hold mystery. Still hold simplicity.
Our Creator has done this. He's made all these things.
~I see love pour out through the detail of everything around us. God's love. I am astounded.
Because of Love.
There's a verse in the Bible (somewhere) that says "Everything and anything done without love is meaningless". We could prophesy in the name of the Lord and have not love, it's meaningless. We could do all good deeds, if without love it's still meaningless. I could be involved in youth ministry and be propelled by duty rather than love, it would be meaningless.
Love matters in whatever and everything we do... for God.
So this is the eyes I have been trying to look at the world through, at people and at what I do. Through love.
I receive that love through the One who IS love.
This has helped me a lot cuz I am moved by love. I live for love. I die for love. I hope for love. Hope because of love. Breathe because of love.
Thanks for open eyes Lord.
1 comment:
Hey jo i havent chated with you in a while. But i have been updating myself from your blog. But i really like this entry> I poem is really touching..I really like the line of theres art of expressing God. I really enjoy it it has me thinking. well later.
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