-Streams in the Desert
I really needed to hear these words in highschool. I felt I was going through too much crap and... needed that breath of fresh air you get on a mountain top. I needed all the weight of this world that I was carrying to be lifted off my shoulders. I needed someone to feed my burning hunger, my thirst demanded to be quenched... spiritually.
I just needed to collapse. The independance I once longed for, I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to depend on something and know that something would hold me up. Needed to trust in something that was worthy, something that was purposeful and... something that was right. Something that would last beyond death that would come in my later days.
I just needed to collapse. The independance I once longed for, I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to depend on something and know that something would hold me up. Needed to trust in something that was worthy, something that was purposeful and... something that was right. Something that would last beyond death that would come in my later days.
Everything inside me ached and I could go no longer. I ran and lost my breath. I walked, aimlessly. I danced, no excitement came. Slowly I grew tired, all my strength drained from my muscles, all my excitement squeezed out from my soul. Hope flickered like a light in my heart, about to be blown out. I crawled and only made it so far.
I screamed out to the world and they kept on going. They passed me and ignored my plea of help. But the one I called "Lord" heard me. He really did.
He lifted me from the ground...
I screamed out to the world and they kept on going. They passed me and ignored my plea of help. But the one I called "Lord" heard me. He really did.
He lifted me from the ground...
Footprints in the sand
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there were one set of footprints. This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints. So I said to the Lord, "You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?"The Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand, is when I carried you."
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there were one set of footprints. This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints. So I said to the Lord, "You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?"The Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand, is when I carried you."
I as Jo look back upon scenes of my life and know I have been carried. I've been lifted from my knees. Lifted from crawling. Been straightened when stumbling. Been caught when falling...
All through my childhood as a new Christian, the critical time of my life in grade 10 (I walked through the hallways feeling empty because I kept God at arm's length, I finally "awoke" and lived the abundent life of embracing God and chasing after Him), there were many moments through my college years of God showing up in my times of needing Him in speaking His voice either through His words in scripture or show His face through a person.
Dancing in the sand
Imagine you and the Lord Jesus are walking down the beach together. The Lord's footprints go along steadily, consistently, rarely varying the pace. But your footprints are a disorganized stream of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures and returns. For much of the way, it seems to go like this, but gradually your footprints come more in line with the Lord's, soon paralleling His consistently. You and Jesus are walking as true friends! This seems perfect, but then an interesting thing happens: Your footprints that once etched the sand next to Jesus' are now walking precisely in His steps. Inside His larger footprints are your smaller ones, you and Jesus are becoming one. This goes on for many miles, but gradually you notice another change. The footprints inside the large footprints seem to grow larger. Eventually they disappear altogether. This goes on for a long time, but suddenly the second set of footprints is back. This time it seems even worse! Zigzags all over the place. Stops. Starts. Gashes in the sand. A variable mess of prints. You are amazed and shocked. Your dream ends. Now you pray: "Lord, I understand the first scene with zigzags and fits. I was a new Christian; I was just learning. But You walked on through the storm and helped me learn to walk with You." "That s correct." "...And when the smaller footprints were inside of Yours, I was actually learning to walk in Your steps; followed You very closely." "Very good. You have understood everything so far." "...When the smaller footprints grew and filled in Yours, I suppose that I was becoming like You in every way." "Precisely." "So, Lord, was there a regression or something? The footprints separated, and this time it was worse than at first." There is a pause as the Lord answers with a smile in His voice. "You didn't know? That was when we danced."
I called on Him and He came.
He came! We walked! We danced!
My soul cries a cry that only it's Creator can hear.
My heart speaks a language that only it's Creator can understand.
The me, the little girl, in the deepest part of me, reaches out and only One Hand can reach so far, her Creator.
My soul cries a cry that only it's Creator can hear.
My heart speaks a language that only it's Creator can understand.
The me, the little girl, in the deepest part of me, reaches out and only One Hand can reach so far, her Creator.

if we endure, we will also reign with Him.
If we disown Him, He will also disown us;
If we are faithless, He will remain faithful,
for He cannot disown Himself".
2 TiMOTHY 2:11-13
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