God desired me to be joined into His Kingdom. Someone vulnerable enough to let God's heart draw close to them felt what His heart longed for, and prayed for me.
This prayer moved things in the heavenly realm, in the "unseen". His light poured forth into my life. Understanding welled up in me.
God's heart reached into me, forever changing me. His Spirit permanently made it's home in my soul.
Since then I've seen life differently. I am more eager. Am inspired. Discovered a purpose and direction. Felt an uncontainable joy and unspeakable peace. Hope of this new life has given me wings. I feel my soul is an excited ball of energy wanting to dance. And not stop.
Life is more challenging. It's hard. That's what makes this adventure unique. The narrow path where few bother to tread upon, every day I'm given insight for 'possibility' and the victory of going down that road, successfully. This road is risky. It asks for vulnerability on my part.
Everyday I want to wake up, kneeled before God. Face to face with the Living God. Receiving life beaming from His presence. Renewal. Release. Hope. Endurance. Fight.
I never knew love like this before.
I've searched everywhere else.
And now I stand where my pray-er has stood, vulnerable before God.
Praying His will would be mine.
Suppressing the flesh and blooming in the Spirit.
My loved ones are on my heart. My longing goes out to all who yet do not know this incredible and majestic Creator. My King has pressed people upon my heart that I may pray...
that I may pray and that He will move again.
And again.
On until the day the gates of heaven open
and we walk hand in hand with the One who has called us by name into His Kingdom.
Even through all hopelessness, chaos, persecution or trial... His promise, this promise, still stands. It will endure. No matter what state I felt I was in, even at my worse, I was risen from death to life. I was risen from my wounded knees to my feet forgiven, redeemed, made new. This promise has been filled. It is now and continue to be fulfilled in the coming days. Our hands just have to receive it.
1 comment:
Hey Jo-jo! I was on the Lifteams website and found out you had a blog. That's awesome! I love reading people's thoughts.
This blog was encouraging to me, especially the part about life's challenges making it a unique adventure, because that's kinda where I'm at now. So yeah, thanks!
I look forward to reading some more. And feel free to check my blog out, it's http://www.freewebs.com/users/graber_89
God bless ya!
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