Am I living as a renewed soul that He has made the way for me to be?
I believe that is what all our hearts yearn for, even scream for.
It's not fantasy that we are to walk this narrow path that is less travelled. It's reality. Our "yes" to walk down this path, it is deep in our hearts! Jesus has promised me, has assured me that He will help me to carry out that yes. In my life.
And the lives of others.

The Lord's footprints go along steadily, consistently, rarely varying the pace. But your footprints are a disorganized stream of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures and returns.
For much of the way, it seems to go like this, but gradually your footprints come more in line with the Lord's, soon paralleling His consistently.
You and Jesus are walking as true friends!
This seems perfect, but then something happens: Your footprints that once etched the sand next to Jesus' are now walking precisely in His steps. Inside His larger footprints are your smaller ones,
you and Jesus are becoming one.
This goes on for many miles, gradually you notice another change. The footprints inside the large footprints seem to grow larger. Eventually they disappear altogether.
This goes on for some time, but suddenly the second set of footprints is back. This time it seems even worse!
..... zags are ....................... a....l....l.......o....v....e....r
.............................................................................the place.
....................... ...Starts.
G a s h e the sand.
A variable mess of prints. You are amazed and shocked.
Your dream ends.
It troubles you to no end, for days you are plagued by the meaning of this, and so you pray:
"Lord, I understand the first scene with zigzags and fits.
I was a new Christian; I was just learning. But You walked on through the storm and helped me learn to walk with You."
"Yes, that's correct."
"...And when the smaller footprints were inside of Yours, I was actually learning to walk in Your steps; followed You very closely."
"Very good. You have understood everything so far."
"...When the smaller footprints grew and filled in Yours, I suppose that I was becoming like You in every way."
"So, Lord, was there a regression or something? The footprints separated, and this time it was worse than at first."
There is a pause and the Lord answers, you could hear the smile in His voice, "My precious child, you didn't know?
That was when we danced!"
Love. This is what we are commanded to live by. Is that hard?
We are to fall in love with our Lord.
Love Him first.
Then, love our neighbors as ourself.
In doing this, we are also loving Christ.
Love. This is the greatest.
Without love, whatever is in your being, or whatever you do, without love, it's all in vain. It goes to nothing without love.
This is pretty powerful.
There's power in it.
Love is what this world moves for.
This is what we shall find our joy in. Serving the Lord, serving people who surround us.
And lately.. God's been confirming that "Joy, is our strength".
Take his hand,
let Him lead you out onto the floor,
dance with Him.
He's patient to teach you about the dance in your life.
He'll counsel you through it.
This has been my encouragement. In my own heart, the fire's growing.
1 comment:
JO JO I sent you an e-mail we need to chat I think we missed our phone date!
send me an e-mail on when we can talk on the net or on the ohone
love you to peices
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