All I know is what it did take to make this,
all I am is what it will take to break this,
light it up now...
These are the lyrics of...

Thousand Foot Krutch
All I know is what it did take to make this...
There's something bigger than me, the Creator, who created me, created all- everything lies in His hands. Nothing is in my hands except my life, I lift it and offer it up to the One who's made Himself Everything to me. Made Himself my ALL.
God knows. He knows what it takes to make this. And this, this is my life. This is LIFE.
All I am is what it will take to break this...
I love this! "All I am". When Yahweh showed up before Moses 'as a burning bush' His very words to Moses was "I AM that I Am". In other translations it goes "I AM the One who always is".
The fact that God says "I am" He is very precise, and making it clear that Moses knows who it is that is behind him when he goes out to deliver his people. Makes his servant Moses KNOW who it is, in who's power and authority, that he goes out upon the land. The Lord says of Himself "I am faithful. I am patient. I am kind. I am Holy. I am pure. I am the Creator, Judge, Father, Friend. I am love. I AM the final." He is all these things. The "bottom-line" so to speak.
Moses had to do an impossible task. He knew it. God knew it. Impossible in the eyes of men! God knew it. What's impossible for men, well.. you know. Is not impossible for God.
He's above everything!
Because we are the Lord's, so are we. The Great I AM is within us! The Spirit that is within us compels us...
All I am is what it takes to break this.
I don't want to get off track and say that this is bad. This could be anything, I took it to be whatever comes to us in life, the good and the bad. To break it, I took it as, in the good- throw up your rawk fist, we have all reason to be excited! When it gets bad- throw up your rawk fist, we have all reason to be excited!
Whether we're having it good or bad, rejoice. Have a 'party'.
We're not in any of this alone.
Yea. Hmm.. *wonderin if I confused you in babbling*
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