A life was transformed, some 50 years ago. If you would have witnessed his life before he asked Jesus into his life, it'd be one you'd see of death, hopelessness, so dark you would wonder if there is anything so dark. He moved from a home where he was unloved, broken, angered, and hated to the streets of New York where time and hatred birthed a boy who led street gangs. He was the most feared. He feared no one. But himself. He hated himself. Hatred was his wings that took him to valleys of death.
This man was Nicky Cruz. This life was deprived and saddening. And Nicky new it. This is the only life he knew.
In another life, one 8 hours away from New York, in the country side was a man named David. He was a preacher. He knew Jesus. He knew the transforming, hope-giving power. He replaced his habit, tv-watching for praying. 3-4 hours a night he met the Lord face to face in prayer. One night, one night that changed his life was a message he received to go to streets of New York and transform the lives of the gangs. David was petrified! He's just a country preacher, a small town hick who knew nothing, no experience, not anything of gang life. Still God told him to go. He obeyed.
He trusted God would show him something that they may relate or find common ground with each other. And he did. David made mistakes, David made good decisions. But that's it. God used even mistakes of this limited human to bring glory to Himself. David didn't find favor in eyes of policemen. The gangs definately were not favored in eyes of the police department. David was just another prick, another hassle and pebble in the shoe. The gangs were the trouble in the city, they were pricks, hasslers and boulders in the shoe. Common ground. This was David's ticket in to the gang's acceptance of him. If you were hated by police you were automatically liked in the gangs.
Now Nicky, ran into David at one of David's street corner preaching. The message David relayed to the gangs spoke to the leaders. David called gang leaders forward, the leaders knelt and accepted the message of Jesus. Nicky and his friend and other leader Israel were called forward. They went up. David shared, Nicky spat on his face and threatened to kill the preacher. Yet David didn't hold back or shribble up in taunts of intimidation. He shared the message of love. Nicky didn't like that. He hated it. Hated David and everything he stood for. Love was what he lacked. Love was something Nicki saw as weak, vulnerable and stupid. Yet.. the deepest part of Nicky yearned for healing.
This message of healing was like waves breaking into the lives of the gang leaders around him, they were being swept away by this love message. All of them but Nicky.
This was something that Nicky hated. He didn't want to stand alone. David was a threat to others. A threat to him. His heart hardened more.
Again and again, David popped up and tried to share this message, Nicky turned away.
In the end, Nicky's friend Israel convinced him to go to a rally that the preacher put up. Nicky brought 75 of his friends as a 'back up', his protection against David lol.
David showed love and trust and hope for Nicky. This continued to chip away at the walls that Nicky so frantically put up. Waves of this message of new life worked on him and Nicky's walls gave way. The Spirit of this message washed in upon Nicky's soul. This healing water drenched every part of his life, to the deepest core of him. This transformation came to his loneliness and instead he began to feel 'whole', complete, loved. This message came up against Nicky's fears, came up against his past, his past that was broken. His past where his own family hated him and spoke death words to him. This message replaced those death words and darkness with exhilerating life!
He accepted Jesus. His life was released and so Nicky went out and shared this message of how Jesus invaded his life and changed him.
The policemen couldn't believe it. All gangs of New York couldn't believe it. His OWN gang didn't believe it. No one. They say "oh you'll come back in two weeks". It's been 40 years or so and Nicky said that they are still waiting for his return! lol.
This man Nicky, I've read his book. This man David, I read his too.
Tonight, I saw Nicky face to face! Here in Abbotsford at the Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly church he spoke the same message that had taken over his life.
Amazing testimony. Amazing witness of a life dramatically changed. This life has been one that has made an impact on my life signicantly. In lifeteams was when I ran across the book and then it just kind of spiralled to be a part of my life. I feel this will be something that will help me with big plans for the future! Yeah... this life-story seemed the darkest and most severe case of hopelessness and well, he stood before me and 3000 others and declared the gospel.

Also he is involved with Teen Challenge http://bcteenchallenge.com
Teen Challenge is a program aimed for those stuck in alcoholism, drugs, and those living on the streets. Helps them to get out of it. Check it out!
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