This is the message God had given Joshua when He had elected him to lead Israel into the Promise Land. Through the ages God still speaks these words to us, they have been passed down from generations. Thousands before us have whispered the same prayer "God be with us. Be our courage and our strength".
Jesus declared in his prayers "I trust in you, in You I take refuge".
And the Lord had done great things. He literally let food rain from the sky when needed. He gave water, it ran from rocks as the thirst of His people cried out for it. He empowered one man to defeat an army of a thousand (with an animal bone). He let His beloved son die, as needed.
The Lord lived up to His fame, Faithfulness. He called for His followers to do tasks that were seemingly impossible... they even seemed dumb. His tasks were things that looked foolish in the eyes of all who did not follow Him.
If my Lord can empower a kid, armed with a few rocks and little piece of leather, to win a battle with the biggest and most feared man, armed with a sword and all the armor one can get,

If my Lord can bring His faithful to our reserve that is 3 hours from civilization to share the gospel,
If this power can work that brought Jesus from death and than to life with Him,
If I am risen with Him and in the new life now and forever...
should I fret.
And sometimes I do.
Remembrance has quite the force to move me out of my own fear, laziness and comfortable place to go to the place in my walk of faith where all I see is what God sees. When I look through His eyes, hear what He is speaking to me, know His wisdom (His wisdom which had created all the heavens, the earth and all in it, sort of billions of peoples lives and say "Piece of cake"...), feel what He feels, walk where He walks, when I am there, I am in His will.
Jesus prayed fervently in Gethsame, alone before God... "Your will and not my own".
Remembering who God is, remembering who He says I am, remembering why i am here is so vital. If I'm missing these.. it's like stepping out the door with no shoes (or with no clothes), stepping into the battlefield with no armor (yet so many times we forget to do this daily..), like driving with no steering wheel, it's meeting dead-ends where we thought we might be going somewhere..
God will grant us the faith we need to walk on water, will give us the love we need tp pray for our persecutors and love our enemies, will work in us the strength we need to be light in the dark vallies and trudge through the difficult.
He has grace for us, mercy toward us, hope layed out for us.. He has the victory over every test, trial, joy in life.
Before He spoke "Light", he had the victory. Before we were made in the wombs, He held the victory. Before Christ died on the cross, He held victory. After Christ, it hadn't changed.
He holds the past, present and future in His hands. Everything is held together by Him, creation and our lives. Because this is so, we have every assurance that "everything's okay", everythings in control. Let confidence and boldness be your staff in being still or moving in the direction the Holy Spirit leads.
The burden of failure, let this not be a worry.
God always seems to patch up our messy jobs, He weaves something good always seems to come out of what's gone bad.
You won't be loved more the more you do.
You won't be loved less for the less you do.
You are loved the same in all you do.
God is proud of you.
Let His strength in you, His courage in you hold up the victory.
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