5 So he did what the LORD had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. 6 The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.
I know, God's used a lot of things to build his kingdom that amaze us. A lot that He suses seem really odd though. I was homeschooling Eli this morning, he was doing his work and I grabbed the Childrens Bible that He has. I saw a picture of ravens with food in their mouth and a man receiving it. I hadn't heard of this story before. I like it. God allowed manna to rain from the sky, poured water out from rocks, split the Red Sea that His people may cross it ('N I think2-4 more times after that at the Jordon!), commanded a whale to swallow a Jonah, donkeys, angels, humans, a fire bush... wow.
Today I'll just stand in awe and gawk at God. Why don't you join me. He uses everything that He has made to show us He loves us... that He is in control... that He's Faithful... that He is God... the One and Only God worthy to be praised... to teach us a lesson...
Used these things, odd as they seem, that we may stand and look at God who's done it, be at awe and give Him praise for who He is. Cause He is magnificent, beautiful, glorious, good... more than anything He deserves our attentions, devotions, eyes and heart be centered around Him.
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