Thursday, December 28

A peak at my Christmas Holiday so far...

This crazy lil girl is...

my adorable god-daughter JAEL!

Jael took 3 steps yesterday!

The mother of da babbah! Miss Hattie Tanis!

And guess who came out to Nemiah all the way from Victoria?

JESSIE! Jess quit her job so she could join us, we missed you Jess!

And here, Jael decided to get into the gift we gave her.

HA! Look at these shortys...

That's better:) *tweet tweet*

Here's the beautiful "gramma" with the babe. Lookin' hot Trace!

I tried to get Billy to carry the baby but.. Jael was intrigued with the reindeer.

The lively peop's at the par-tay..

Kung fu!

After we got food in our tummies, chill time...

Kaleena's got quite the voice:)

And finally, ending this picture story with a 'pow';)

Catch ya later, I'll see what I have for picture stories for the new year!

Tuesday, December 12

Children in church are funny...

I been tasting the real fruits of joy. Jus thinking of the fact that God knows me.
And I know Him.
That He loves me.
And I truely love Him.
Forever, I get to dwell with Him. Forever is a good long time.
The trials I know I face right now, this past Sunday crazyness at work for example, seem shortened and it's "sting" is not so unbearable...
And God is with me. That truth's joy never fails to lift me. My everyday here in Williams Lake God whispers to me "I'm here".
Freak, I love it so much.
And... 1000000000000% His, the Lord's, affection goes out to me, there's not a part in my life that He doesn't miss or ignore, but I'm in full complete focus to Him. Not sure focus is the right word..
A song jumped out at me today, one by Starfield, as I was washing the much-needed-a-wash floors. The words "misplaced affection" (referring to our affection being misplaced) and I started chewing... on how I've been "misplacing" my affections, turning my devotion/time/affection towards other things than God.
The past month I always been hearing "first to the Lord, then all else". And I found in me that, that's all I really want to do right now, devote my affection soley to God. I want to! It's an exciting feeling. I was contemplating that yesterday on my walk down to work (it was a gorgeous sunny day) and today as I was on the transit (another gorgeous sunny day).
And when those cloudy days come, I still want to push through and press into God. God tells me He's a God of all seasons, He's my strength in everything, He's not phased by the ever-changing winds of this desert-like world. Like the dunes in the deserts, shifting, swerving, moving always, that is this world, but God, He's the steady, firm, never-changing ROCK. His face, His presence, His truth, His promises, His life, His love, He stands firm and secure in absolutely everything.
And as His affection reaches out to me and holds me, He tells me so can my affection can reach out to Him. He gives me the Spirit that enables me. To follow Him, to live, to love.
And I love. Oh how I love.