Thursday, December 28

A peak at my Christmas Holiday so far...

This crazy lil girl is...

my adorable god-daughter JAEL!

Jael took 3 steps yesterday!

The mother of da babbah! Miss Hattie Tanis!

And guess who came out to Nemiah all the way from Victoria?

JESSIE! Jess quit her job so she could join us, we missed you Jess!

And here, Jael decided to get into the gift we gave her.

HA! Look at these shortys...

That's better:) *tweet tweet*

Here's the beautiful "gramma" with the babe. Lookin' hot Trace!

I tried to get Billy to carry the baby but.. Jael was intrigued with the reindeer.

The lively peop's at the par-tay..

Kung fu!

After we got food in our tummies, chill time...

Kaleena's got quite the voice:)

And finally, ending this picture story with a 'pow';)

Catch ya later, I'll see what I have for picture stories for the new year!

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