Monday, October 10

~Life update for those in Nemiah~

I'm here in Abbotsford, on Columbia Bible College's campus. It was so hard for me to come back here at first, I wanted to stay home! I was really feeling it when we were in Williams Lake. We arrived in Abbotsford, unpack my stuff and hit campus on Monday. It did feel good to be back here too.
~Classes I'm taking:
Revelation:D -it is not a scary class. There's a whole lot of symbolism in this book. I love it- As the teacher keeps sayin, it's a book about the victory of Jesus and His reign and the joys of His coming. Anyone have questions? Feel free to post them and I can see if I can ask them.
Conflict Management -This was a bigger class than I expected. The professor, Janet Boldt, is amazing. She feels like a mom lol...=S This course covers teachings on conflicts in childhood, through youth years and all the way up to adults. We had to do a test examination on our own conflict styles... I didn't like what's been hi-lited about how I handle conflict. Me and Dustin were talkin about this, it's one of those things you know, but when it's hi-lited.. jus want to hide. We were figuring "Yea, we're about a middle-average, handle things moderately", but it hit me and Dustin, lol it's not like that at all.
It's funny that psalms are prayed and songs are sung asking God to shed His light on us, draw His light back to us etc. etc. I sometimes wonder if they conscientiously know what they're asking for. I mean, God's light is beautiful and something I pursue to keep walkin in, the path lit is good. When there's things in our life mustering in with the dark and it's brought to light... it's not really a pretty sight! Those things revealed have to be dealt with. Anything from unholy pride, jealousy, bitterness- the whole 9 yards. I thank God that whatever's been revealed, God gives us strength to wrestle with it (flesh), and keep it under control through His Spirit.
Anababtist Theology -z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z ... yeah, I've got to continue trying to make the best of this class. The movie we watched on how this denomination formed was interesting. Other than that I'm sort of lost.
Biblical Studies -I love this class. I've had this teacher twice, he's a lot more animated now. I'm enjoying more of how to approach the Bible, how to study and given tools for Bible.
JOSHUA+Judges -I knew the book of Joshua was always there, but I hadn't got into it. I LOVE IT! It speaks so much into my life, I'm encouraged by this man of God. "Be courageous and strong"- These words are echoed through the whole story. Joshua faces the challenge of walking in the shoes of the Great Moses (Moses has a BIG rep!), but God encourages Him that jus as He was powerfully working with Moses, He'll do the same with Joshua. Joshua stays close with God, goes into the Promised Land, conquers under EVERY circumstance. He faced a lot of obstacles where in our eyes he would have seemed to be squash (there are a lot of stories like this in the Bible). EVERYTHING IS GOD's and everything we receive are gifts, land is one of many gifts and God says "I've delivered them into your hands", so Joshua takes it. There's so much more to it though, there's not enough space on this to say it all. But the messages of this book speak a lot to my heart, my strengths and my fears.
Lastly, Youth Specialties Convention -in CALIFORNIA! We got to chill out at Sacramento and cruised (walked) the streets. It's a beautiful place. My camera's my best buddy, maybe you guys will see pictures soon! Read the letter before this about Cali.
~Xeni Gwet'in thank you for all your support, you don't know what your money is pouring into, my life is being changed and shaped here in school!~

~I found it funny, everywhere Billy goes he meets our friends and they ask if he's our brother. He had that the whole week and he was getting tired of it. He thought about it after awhile and was like "Hey, my circle of friends is expanding, I have Yo and Jo's friends too", he didn't mind it too much after that. Felt kind of weird at first to have Billy at the same college as us. He's learning a lot and loves it!

~My sis, friend Jen and I are sharing an apartment right now! We are at Dahlstrom Manor on corner of Clearbrook & George Ferguson Way Road. My room is the closet (or storage room a.k.a. cubby-hole) 'n I'm lovin' it. It's cozy. Although Jen is moving out the end of this month, we're looking for roommates from CBC. If that doesn't work out then we may jus get a one-room apartment upstairs. It'll be cheaper. I hope we stay with the apartment we have now *praying hard*

~We are talking now about few of us being an intern at our senior youth. Please please pray for me, it it's not God's will that I do it, then so what, but if it is, then pray I can get the spot! I've had a longing now for awhile to do more at my youth, been dreamin up some stuff. Our girls home group will be starting up too, so please pray also that it would be a tool God would use to shape these beautiful girls!!! We been chillin' out a lot with our cuz Reaco as well, it's been a lot of fun. I'm encouraged by the leadership he's showing even on the first day of our youth group, he's very welcoming spirit.

God's doin a lot with our youth, Dave's been great with the kids, I know there's probly more God's putting up Dave's sleeve. Dave's been one that God put on my path to watch and learn from. You're awesome Dave! Your loving patience means a lot to me. More than you know.

~I would like to be more involved with Yale Secondary as well. I would like to come out to Wednesday Bible study and chill with the kids in Ruth and Ann's room. We'll see how that goes.
If the internship doesn't work out I'm going to see if I can get a part-time job somewhere, anywhere;)

Other than that I been tryin to ketchup with peop's I haven't seen for awhile. I would like to do that s'more with Lifeteams and highschool buds.

I got to drop off my sis at work right now! I'll come back again and touch up, I've got so much more to say~

1 comment:

.letting go said...

jo! it is so good to hear from you! Man, I love blogger so much. It's good to hear about what you're up to, and yeah, send those pics over, that'd be great.

Ah, I love you babe, give me a call one of these nights eh?