Well, what's been up with me lately? Where do I start...
Hattie had her baby!
Yes yes, we got a phone call Thursday at midnight! She actually had the baby 4 minutes to 10pm that night. Yoyo, Alissa 'n I were at Kris' place- pampering ourselves, had a spa. We were all rested. Really rested. About to fall asleep 'n we were about to get out the door when Jessie called!
We are aunties!!! And godmothers;):D
We drove home excitedly (as excited as we could be, we were really really really really tired.. inside we were jumping). We had decided that night that we were goin to go to Victoria, so we packed a bit of our stuff 'n sunk into our beautiful comfy beds.
In the morning we hit the snooze button a zillion times before we got up (you can tell we are morning people). We had originally planned to catch the 9am ferry, but we ended up swaying for the 11.
Our drive in to Tsawassen, Twassessen, whatever, we felt our spirits a bit more chirpy-er! Yo 'n I filled our tummies with caramel apples, again! MMMMMMMMMM, I L-O-V-E caramel apples. Yo didn't get an aged apple this time lol. She was actually SANE during our ferry trip. The last time she went.. whew, I was like "Who are you!!??" She was off the wall! People gave us queer looks and stayed at least a meter away. Yea, they gave us our room.
This time we were normnal.
Ummm we arrived at the hospital about 1 or so. Hattie looked really good for after having a baby. Most look really washed out or something. Hattie looked fresh and her cheeks were pink.
The baby, oh the baby, is ADORABLE! I just want to eat her 'n squeeze her tight and... I mean, hold her tight and give her hugs 'n kisses.
After hesitating as to what her new born's name would be Hattie settled on Jayell Rose. I'm not sure how you spell it, but it sounds beautiful for our lil niece. Jayell's hair is like ketchup and got blueberry greyish eyes. She's a peanut.
My favorite memory: watching her sleep. Her face is content. Then her face scrunches up and looks like she is trying to concentrate on sleeping.
She farted on me a lot too. Ack. I didn't smell too pretty:P
Umm yep, our weekend was spending time with them and just being there.
We went to church, was blessed to see Bruce. He's an amazing man of Faith. God's presence of love is so strong in him. Bruce is the pastor of Lion of Judah (church). The church is held in a school gym. 2 weeks before we met him and he gave Yo 'n I words of encouragement. MAJOR encouragement. A lot to do with our future and it was sweet cuz the very words he used was what I was learning at the moment and felt God just confirmed it through Bruce!
Just thinking now... i love watching men dance for God. It does something for me. Moves me. I am encouraged when men step out of their comfort zone and are... vulnerable before God. It reminds me of when David danced before God with the ark. It was all HEART. And worship. It all spells out in sincerity.
Guys were not only dancing at this church but another church I went to and I see them at our college.
It's a 'beautiful' sight seeing people stepping out. Courageously. Not caring what others think. It silently pushes me forward to do the same:)
Sunday night we got back 'n lazied out from all the driving.
I started out with saying I am blessed. I am loving this semester at school.My life has been emphasizing worship lately. The meaning and the love of this word. It's going deeper, growing stronger, living courageosly, loving vulnerably. A lot of DEEP stuff.
Meeting up with people I haven't hung out with in awhile has been my life so far too. Keeping my connections up. If I haven't gotten to you, write me! Doesn't mean I have forgotten, just working on my schedule.
My discipline I'm working on: thinking aloud.
A lot of traffic and busyness of words occupy my mind. I've decided to voice them, quietly to myself, in prayer or just thinking. It's helped just for.... release. I'm still in the process in seeing how this will move things in my life. It's probly weird thinking. But makes sense to me. Somehow.
Spiritually disciplining: sincerity and genuineness, in everything. My faith, who I am, in my being, in my doing... it's so easy to fake things. It stresses me out putting on a show because it's all about perform perform perform. I'm tired of it!
So, none of this niceness, kindness, shallowness. Only realness. In my feelings and faith.
So far... it's going great! I feel less stressed. I'm just living simply, plugging into realness. It's been empowering me in every way. In every way.
Oh guys, God is so good. So goooood.
Blah, I'm just throwing off weight of arrogance, bringing myself back to the youth, the childlike-ness of my faith.
Yes, I'm just a child. Learning from my Father.
It's great.
Dope!...Sorry guys, this went longer then I intended. I get lazy to read long stuff, I should keep on keeping my stuff short. Working on it:D
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