It's early, I can be a smarty pants.
Well this weekend I went to Salmon Arm with my bro Billy. He has his appointments out there once a month, so I been the one taking him! I love lil hick towns. Reminds me of Williams Lake. I can see myself living in a place like that. I still don't mind cities. BUT. I love my valley. Think I'll stick around there for lil while.
After Salmon Arm we caught up with my family in Kamloops, took my cousins out shopping. Walmart. I love shopping with Jackie (my cousin), I got someone to goof around with! Oh 'n hey, I almost lost my wallet. This was entertaining. Me 'n Jackie were trying on some quirky jackets 'n we figure that's where I left it. In a leopard print fur jacket. This is my life! Not just trying on weird clothes but MISPLACING stuff!!! Billy was like "How do you do it?" Acck, I just do! I annoy myself *strangling myself*
Between Abby 'n Salm you have to drive through the Cocqahalla, Cocahaulla... :P It's so so beautiful. I couldn't stop looking at the mountains and waterfalls. Everything was coated with snow and yea. I wanted to jump out and make snow-angels. There was a bit of snow just around Hope too. Aaah, my eyes just open to beauty of creation again and again!
I see God in it.
His detailed work.
His love expressed through 'art'.
Oh know what's sweet?! Every now and then God does this weird thing where He speaks to me about specific things within the few days together or even all in one day, through different people. Last Tuesday was one of those days.
This takes my breath away!
I get goosebumps every time He does this.
So Tuesday was a special day, we had chapel that day. Chapel is always and only on Thursdays, but this past Tuesday they had something else going on with 'Spiritual Emphasis' week or something so there was chapel.
I felt something different the minute I stepped into the room. There was something in the air and I said to myself 'It's different in here. This is going to be good'.
The group that was there was called 'Fresh Fire', the same program my pal Miranda is in! They are known for doing crazy stuff for God and major intercessory prayer.
Two of them, girl and a guy, told their testimonies. If you were sitting there you would just KNOW that from their stories and just by seeing them that they lived for an Almighty life-changing God. They been Christians for a long time but you can see that they are 'refreshed'. They still had that 'fresh fire' lol. They gleamed with this incredible joy.
My heart was pounding. As I was sitting there, it brought me back to when I was first introduced to a church in Williams Lake and they were just crazy for God. They were vulnerable, hearty worshippers of God. The fellowship we had in Nemiah was amazing, I still consider that church for me. I meant like a 'church building' kind of church with the congregation and everything.
I was encouraged by just how real they were with us and then the speaker came up from 'Fresh Fire'. What I remember from what he spoke of was eagles.

He encouraged us with verses that talked of flying with God with wings like eagles. One wing represents Grace and the other wing is truth. We can't fly with one wing. We were given both by God. This stuck out to me cuz my life 'challenge' lately has been "balancing" my life and issues of faith. I remember being encouraged by this illustration.
This is where it gets interesting.
I was incredibly antsy! This whole week. Things just been stirring up for me spiritually, I don't know what to do with myself sometimes. I just want to go! Just walk! Do something... not go back to the apartment and sit there. Doing my homework.
So I went to the library, browsed the books. I was so hungry to read something! My soul felt hungry, thirsting for more of God.
Randomly (very randomly!) skimmed this book my eyes fell upon and there inside was a chapter titled "Signpost: Grace and Truth". I signed the book out, thought I would read more into it. They book is called 'The Quest for Christ' (Ken Baugh & Rich Hurst).
Yea! Everything I've read in it spoke out to me.
It encouraged me in my own walk to handle my relationships, discipling, mentoring with Grace and Truth of Jesus Christ. Not only Grace. Not just Truth. But both! Both are needed to go hand-in-hand for living out my faith. These are my ~wings~
I love it when God surprises me with affirmation.
It's kind of cool, me 'n Yo's story have been very similar to one another lately. Our Author has been connecting us on a deeper level, with Him and with each other:)
Grace. The beauty of this has been raining down on us. We been soaking in this blessing!
Another encouragement:)
Me 'n Yo were talking about hardships and what comes out of it. We expanded on the reading as well. Grace and Truth bring about an incredible JOY.
This joy may be undescribable. Joy because of Grace. We are undeservant of this blessing. Yet Jesus' hands of grace stretches out to us. Truth brings about joy. Truth points out the state of our soul and draws out a cry in us for help. Christ' hand of righteousness stretches out when we ask for it. Forgiveness releases us, more than we know great transformation has taken place! A Christ formation.
This is surrender.
And this is our goal. To be like Him.
A joy that the world could never give us, wells up in the hope of Christ. Hope of the promise of his hand to help us.
Deepest joy comes about in midst of our deepest needs and our sufferings.
I hadn't quite understood this. My joy comes about in the grace and truth shown to me at even my worst state..
*Sigh, got to get to class. I will post this later today.
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