Thursday, February 16

Yes, this thought has 'danced' across my mind

Hmm.. I'm always wondering if there are more people within the congregation, youth or college group that I am standing in who have a dancer that's got to be pryed out of them.
Maybe not so much pry but..
to inspire.
To let down those walls we put up for "protection" and be 'all-out-vulnerable' before the One God who actually cares.
I seriously just go bezerk inside cuz.. the joy of the Lord manifests in many different ways! Dancing for example. I always thought joy could be expressed. With emotion. With action. With crazy words.
Why is it that in church.. joy is shoved down in ourselves when we come together as a body and sing. In our fellowship we let ourselves be locked up within ourselves.
I think, uhh, I KNOW God lets us free to show our joy in how He's made us. We have hands- clap, pray, lift them up, embrace the one next to you.
We have feet- walk, jump, dance, don't stomp on the feet of the ones next to you. Maybe if I look close enough I'll see indents on the pews by hands clenched to keep from doing anything or.. "going crazy".
Maybe if I look close enough I'll see... no indentations on the floor because feet resist the urge to jump and dance!
Let loose people!
Let the free-spirited worshipper be released from within you!

And that means letting go of pride.

We can 'afford' to look like a fool and 'undignified' before the Lord.

1 comment:

Gary Wood said...

Wonderful spirit!Wonderful bog. Brought me joy. May God continue to be with your spirit.