12.All would know, experience & live true love
11. Boring information needed to pass a grade or get a diploma could be downloaded into your head, as simple as plugging a memory chip or cord into head... eww maybe letting words written on book soak into head by simply placing the book on your head
10. Dog owners would not kiss their pets on the mouth
9. no such things as cavities
8. excessive amounts of sugar (aka chocolate, sweets) would be healthy
7. toilet seats would be heated
6. you wouldn't bite on your tongue
5. farts would not stink, maybe smell like flowers
4. no pain in the world
3. Slow cars would keep OFF the fast lane
2. Humans care about lives rather than making profit off of things, which if consumed excessively causes death (aka, away with smoking, alcohol, etc),
1. Guys would be able "read" girls (and girls understand the guys)
10. Dog owners would not kiss their pets on the mouth
9. no such things as cavities
8. excessive amounts of sugar (aka chocolate, sweets) would be healthy
7. toilet seats would be heated
6. you wouldn't bite on your tongue
5. farts would not stink, maybe smell like flowers
4. no pain in the world
3. Slow cars would keep OFF the fast lane
2. Humans care about lives rather than making profit off of things, which if consumed excessively causes death (aka, away with smoking, alcohol, etc),
1. Guys would be able "read" girls (and girls understand the guys)
*this is not in any particular order...
This is not a perfect world. It's true. O'well. We got to deal with what we got. Sometimes I look at our fallen world and... I am SO overwhelmed. I'm like "God, get me out of here". And there are even times I tell God "I am glad, glad I am here and the biggest load off my back is, I'm not alone".
This is not a perfect world. It's true. O'well. We got to deal with what we got. Sometimes I look at our fallen world and... I am SO overwhelmed. I'm like "God, get me out of here". And there are even times I tell God "I am glad, glad I am here and the biggest load off my back is, I'm not alone".
Hymph, "Now God, about those slow drivers in the fast lanes..."
1 comment:
Jo JO.
I love to read your blog! it either makes me smile, laugh or ponder. This is one that made me shake my head in agreement... I wish our farts smelt like flowers. yummy but i would be tempted to fart alot more and you know that cant happen. ha ha. thinking about you! hugs!
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