Thursday, May 11

"I just don't know how to surrender it to you God...
I don't know anymore."

Always in my mind there's this thought that.. I have to have this formula.
Got to get it right.

I hear again "It's not about you".
I know.
"Depend on me".
How? I feel like I don't know HOW anymore.
How? I just keep taking the wheel.
Why? Sometimes it would seem so much easier to be like a robot.
To be like the angels who see You in ALL Your GLORY.
I don't know how to anymore.

I keep thinking I can do it on my own.
And I think, "I'm a big girl..."
"can do it on my own.........................................."

I feel lonely.
It's fear.
It's guilt.
It's shame.
It's independance,
that keep me from going to someone, to Someone.

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