One of our adventures was climbing the beams on the gazebo.
I didn't make it.
But going down the slides made up for it. I had a buddy to go with me...
I wasn't scared at all...

Ooops!It turns out that we were quite scared:S
But heyyy look at this familiar "ride"...

Our lil "Blue Bird", our jeep... or at least a jeep wannabe.
(And look who's behind the wheel!) Someone decided to take over.
Look where THAT got us!
*Shakes fist*
"Boy drivers"
Janelley is STILL smiling.
'N who are these 2 hot chicks?
That's the end of our adventure...
at least 'til a few minutes anyway, we went to Delair Park too!
But THAT you will have to see later;)
We had an incredible night. We started with driving around aimlessly before dinner not knowing yet where to eat lol. Finally when we got all the way across town and then Levi had the brilliant idea of going to Milestones (which was on the other side of town!!! so we had to go back where we started in the first place). We were greeted with "Hello Ladies, would you like to start off with some Belinis?" The expression on our face made her laugh, we were like "... huh?" Yep, we know our alcohol. lol. Food was incredible. Except for some funky sauce on my fish 'n rice. Oh, Yoey and Janelley shared quesidilla's. They were really spicey! Even for Levi (Weakling). Well... okay, I lie, I could handle one bite.
These lovely strawberry daquiri's and pina kol-ah-da's (dunno how to spell it:P) saved our tastebuds.
We laughed, made fun of Levi, laughed s'more, made more fun of Levi... oh 'n Janelle too, she's fun to bug. Me 'n Yo, we're a tag team, "The Gruesome Twosomes".
Watch out people!
I'll come back with more stories of terrorizing people... 'n me 'n Yoyo's fun on the TIRE SWING
Written in collaberation with Yo.
haha Jojo, that sounds like an awesome adventure! I love the visual story, lol. (Nice driving Levi!)
lol i know, was quite the adventure.
I hope you read this again (or i'll jus ask you when i see you again) but I can't make comments on your site (xanga), think i got to be a member, any way around that? so i can leave comments?
talk to you soon!
This is directed towards Miranda by the way, hopefully you get to read it!
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