isn't he a cutie? I get to bug him all summer looooong:)
..... i look like a dinosaur.
creating me list:
-eat first. dinner is ready:) brb
-continue cleaning in the house. hopefully make some progress in our disastrous looking basement, all our stuff from Abby is stuffed into every space found
-make plans as to what colors we may use to paint our walls (us girl's room be painted for sure. we've had gorgeous weather, hope that'll continue)
also which pictures of ours we could use to stick up
-bug dad to put in new shower wall
-bug dad to go hunting this summer:D
-plan meals for next 2 weeks so we know what we need when we get our grub in WL (yes, we drive 2 1/2 hours every weekend for groceries, for those who don't know)
-put my clothes where they belong... they tend to be thrown everywhere
-call the Tanis's, they're here for the summer! Our niece Jayell will hopefully be out here too!
-get some nights out of the week planned (family game night, small-groups girls night deal... mon-wed's are gym nights, yay!)
my day tomorrow...
-interviewed after 9am for my summer job. i may be into carpentry. wohoo! out in the sun. or either i'll be w/ my Mum (a.k.a. deskwork & lotta organizing). that's ok. wear my pretty dresses.
-go to beach
-more house clean-up
Hum hum hummmmmmmmm, 's all that comes to mind for now.
Will all this get done? Maybe not tomorrow. This week! I say that and it probably won't happen. But I'm working on it.
I love this shirt I saw in Abby,
"Slacker Unite! ... maybe tomorrow". (SOMETHING like that)
It was just funny. But yeah... slacking, procrastinating, excuses= evil. I don't like evil. Away with evil. Go away evil.
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