Monday, July 31

Rejection hurts

You know it. I know it. That’s why I don’t open up. In some ways anyway. My voice after experiencing the pain was “I shouldn’t have opened up”. My heart hurt. My soul wanted to hide. I just really wanted to crash into some caring arms. I wanted to cry, and I did.

Rejection stinks. Jesus? Why did you do this for us? Put up with our shit.
It feels so lonely.
It is so hard for me to open up in the way I feel the Holy Spirit leading me too. There’s risk. Risk. That pesky word. Risk. Sounds fun at the same time. Recently, I stepped out on the limb. I moved out in the way I wanted. I opened up. Received what I expected would come in my tango with risk- pain.
Aching heart. Aching soul. My mind screaming.
I’m confused.

You maybe noticed I said wanted (I moved out in the way I wanted), maybe I should have used the word “called” instead? Sort of. There was a connection I felt. Something beautiful about the other person that I knew I should not ignore. The aura (aora?) given off was… Beautiful. Attractive. Worth the risk.

I didn’t consult the Holy Spirit in prayer before I moved from the sturdy, safe tree (the center point, comfortable zone). I fell. I took ‘matters into my own hands’. The opportunity was there, I didn’t hear a voice saying “No, don’t go there”. I didn’t wait for it. Kept God out of it. I should expect and should receive what comes when God’s snuffed out of situations. It all falls apart. Relationship falls apart. I fall apart inside. God’s hand is removed. God’s hand is not there to keep it all together.

I’m very confused about how much God can do, how much we can do together, and how much I can do myself. My question is how does everything balance out?

When I look at myself, I see a lot of ways that I’m very much a clam. Holy Spirit never tires to work at prying me open. Lord, it feels uncomfortable. I hate vulnerability. Others then have ammo to rip me up and take shots at me.
What if when I open up, and I feel you called me to it, I still hurt. Is that what you want? Want me to get used to it? The feeling sucks. Am I supposed to develop spiritual calluses? Rough me up so when something bigger comes, I’ll be able to take it?

Yes, I felt sorry. Yes, I asked forgiveness. Yes, I want another chance. Yes, I’m still hurting.

Yes, I learned from this:

Eating a fruit before it’s ripe doesn’t taste good.

I feel very strongly that I wasn’t supposed to move yet.
I feel very strongly that I bit the fruit before it was ripe.

Now I’ve got those bruises and now I’ve got that bitter taste in my mouth.


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