I think I know it in my mind, but actually moving out, in faith, with spirit and body as one, I know I have at least a "few times" in my life. And it was more than great. Everytime I have though, it's been no strength of mine. Somehow when I've done something, energy I haven't had before gives me strength to do whatever task is at hand. And everytime stepping out is was HARD. Think it's probably been one of those situations where a kid is about to jump off a book-case, closes her eyes, sticks her foot out, goes for it and prays to God that she can fly.
Only I know God's given me wings. And I'm under His wing.
I been observing awhile, watching everyone else try their wings out, afraid to use mine. Fear brings images of failure, intimidation, unworthyness to mind whenever I get even an inkling of courage to move towards taking that step to fly.
Everyone else looks gorgeously glorious in their faith, it's evident God is with them.
Is God with me?
Somehow or other, at times I wonder that, I always receive a message saying "Yes..."
"I'm here."
Williams Lake is... those sharp rocks and branches below me. Soaring above them, did seem difficult at a time. But I know I don't go down there alone, my Father's wing is right close.
And so far at Teacapan, God's used that to get me off the nest 'n take jumps of faith. After all, I have Maria there to ask me more about Faith and God. And before entering those doors at work, God's answered those prayers I've prayed of strength, grace, mercy, faith, trust and joy.
I've felt His blessings and living those blessings..
joy has been my strength and so everyday I love to hear that song "Today, I choose You, I give my yes to you", everday it's been easier to lift my arms, praise Him where I'm at. Even if I hadn't accomplished a lot, even when I've done too much, my God here's my songs. I don't sing all that well, I sound like more a turkey than a song-bird haha. Guess that doesn't count to a God who's created me as I am. I can sing other ways and that's just the way God likes it~
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