Wednesday, June 28
Greeted at home with...
We went from Abby to Princeton to Williams Lake and here we are at Nemiah. Finally! Kiss the ground at my door step I would have but I was too excited and too tired. I settled with going camera crazy. We had 5 busy days at National Conference which was held at Rock Ridge Canyon 'Resort' which is why me 'n Yoyo were in Princeton and why I'm goin to tell you later.
All I'll say is we were crowned as the DISH QUEENS of Summer 2006 (self-proclaimed).
Not only that, there was a lot of laughter, sweating blood, almost-good-as-Jan's-food food, sun-tanning, and inspiring conversations.
Right now my eyes are shribbled half it's size and brain is shutting down for zzzzzzz.
I think Jackie wants her hair done in the morning too. Jackie's my cousin, she's staying with us. She's gradding Grade 9 tomorrow along with Duane and Russ. Grad is at an insanely early hour, 10 AM. Tee hee.
Just kidden.
?Elhqan nanos?in, "see you tomorrow".
Crawling into my own bed now...
Wednesday, June 21
Life without the tiptoeing
or dance,
just don't tiptoe".
Above is taken from the book, "The Irresistable Revolution" by Shaine Claiborne (Ch.8). I'll continue on with what he says.
In my youth-group days, I had seen all too many wild would-be Jesus radicals fall by the wayside because they had never been trusted with the adventure of revolutionary living.
When I was a youth leader, one of the highschool kids who had "given his life to Jesus" got busted only a few weeks later for having acid in school. I remember asking in disappointment,
"What happened, bro? What went wrong?"
He just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I got bored".
God forgive us for all those we have lost because we have made the gospel boring. I am convinced that if we lose kids to the culture of drugs and materialism, of violence and war, it's because we don't dare them, not because we don't entertain them.
It's because we make the gospel too easy, not because we make it too difficult.
Kids want to do something heroic with their lives, which is why they play video games and join the army.
But what are they to do with a church that teaches them to tiptoe through life so they can arrive safely at death?
The idea that I myself am tiptoeing around in life has stirred something in me. I don't want to be like that. I want to in waiting or moving whenever God has planned a season for it.
Another thing, I want to follow the example of rivers, moving within those boundary lines that it runs. Boundaries is what makes rivers beautiful, is what makes it's beauty.
I don't want to be death-still swamp. No boundaries and layed out ready to dry up.
I want to be hopping, skipping and dancing. Tiptoeing takes too much effort. Haha, at least to me it does.
I hope that in sharing the gospel I won't make it out to be too easy, cause it's not. And I see so much that many want to make something heroic out of their life.
I do. I want my life to mean something and go into something that will last. Something that will be good.
I want to know what you guys think, feel free to comment. Especially my youth if you're reading this! Do keep in touch with me while I'm away. I'll miss you.
So much before me...
Feeling a bit achy and my spirits a bit low. Now that I think about this.. asking myself why I should feel this way, and there really is no reason.
It's a beautiful day, I can see a lot of the blue sky.
I have had people around me, last night I had a great visit with highschool pals and today I'm meeting up with Sarah. We haven't hung out in the longest time. She's been on my heart and would like to see how it's been going with her. She's busy with her baby, Andrew.
Lastnight Andrew was declared "D.K.", Drool King, by Kory's sister.
I think mainly it's just that I am 'dragging myself' to be before the Lord. I hate that, it's so selfish. A lot of the time guilt and shame jump all over me and it's just too much.
Maybe it's just changing how I look at prayer.
I am before my King.
The One who has saved me from death.
Saved me from a lot of things.
He sustains me, gives me strength.
When my trust is Him, complete joy rises within and an invinsable confidence is alive in me,
I really love life then.
He is pouring His Holy Spirit like water over my parched soul.
He's holding me in His arms, I have no strength to even hold myself up.
This is a battle after all, satan doesn't like it when we are before the Lord. He knows it is powerful when we are before the Lord.
I saw this on a wall at the Eagles Rest Retreat "Making war on our knees".
At least that's what I think it said. That's what comes up when I try to remember.
But I like that. Cause it's true. I remember there been times where I feel called to pray, you know how a cat's hair rises on it's back when it suspects something, that's my soul wherever I am at.
Then there's just no desire to pray.
No willingness.
A few times I remember, I got so tired of being beat down all the time and hating the fact that I didn't want to pray, so I prayed. I knew it was bad and asked God for forgiveness. I prayed earnestly and put lil strength I had into it and was blown away at what happened.
More strength came in, I didn't know how. I prayed with the authority I had as a child of God, a princess of the Mighty King and claimed strength in the name of Jesus.
I don't know how long I prayed for..
but it was the most amazing experience I have ever had.
There was this sense of 'God-power' over me, I felt like I just won a race and came out on top. I know my soul felt like I was on wings and my Lord lifted me up from all powers of the world.
A warrior was woken up in me, the desire to pray didn't want to leave me, to be before the presence of God was where I wanted to be, no where else.
I feel encouraged even in writing this.
All I know is, there's a great call going out to all God's children in the world to meet in the throne room of God, the angels present, the earth listening,
and very few are found before the throne of God.
There are multitudes of people, many who know Jesus and His power in prayer, yet 10 out of 100 come out. I find that often I'm not in that 10.
Sunday, June 11
I want to get rid of the pride I have. My arrogance, ripped out of me.
My eyes opened to my own family across the world who are dying.
Will I be called for a lil while to the physically dying? Maybe than I'd see this is only a picture of how we look spiritually?
Where is our soul getting food? Where is it drawing upon water?
Do we just starve ourselves...
I find that when I'm in the midst of physical pain, Im at my worst. I hate everything. Do they feel that there? Even more maybe.. maybe all they see is hope.
Don't know.
And God.. when I am there, teach me to hold on to courage, love and hope, and not let go.
In that place of longing, sometimes not really knowing what my longing is for, some of it I know...
Uncertain about things in future... my summer back home, September coming up, having that 'man' in my life, what God is working in me now, wanting to see people I miss. Plenty of things... Yeah. Life feels lonely time to time. Longing for Jesus to come back. Now..
My tummy hurts.
Thursday, June 8

One of our adventures was climbing the beams on the gazebo.
I didn't make it.
But going down the slides made up for it. I had a buddy to go with me...
I wasn't scared at all...

Ooops!It turns out that we were quite scared:S
But heyyy look at this familiar "ride"...

Our lil "Blue Bird", our jeep... or at least a jeep wannabe.
(And look who's behind the wheel!) Someone decided to take over.
Look where THAT got us!
*Shakes fist*
"Boy drivers"
Janelley is STILL smiling.
'N who are these 2 hot chicks?
That's the end of our adventure...
at least 'til a few minutes anyway, we went to Delair Park too!
But THAT you will have to see later;)
We had an incredible night. We started with driving around aimlessly before dinner not knowing yet where to eat lol. Finally when we got all the way across town and then Levi had the brilliant idea of going to Milestones (which was on the other side of town!!! so we had to go back where we started in the first place). We were greeted with "Hello Ladies, would you like to start off with some Belinis?" The expression on our face made her laugh, we were like "... huh?" Yep, we know our alcohol. lol. Food was incredible. Except for some funky sauce on my fish 'n rice. Oh, Yoey and Janelley shared quesidilla's. They were really spicey! Even for Levi (Weakling). Well... okay, I lie, I could handle one bite.
These lovely strawberry daquiri's and pina kol-ah-da's (dunno how to spell it:P) saved our tastebuds.
We laughed, made fun of Levi, laughed s'more, made more fun of Levi... oh 'n Janelle too, she's fun to bug. Me 'n Yo, we're a tag team, "The Gruesome Twosomes".
Watch out people!
I'll come back with more stories of terrorizing people... 'n me 'n Yoyo's fun on the TIRE SWING
Written in collaberation with Yo.
Tuesday, June 6
Trying too hard
It's been since February, and STILL I'm losing my energy, the strength in me is draining. And so, these words hit me today, again. I'm annoyed with myself. Arg, God if only we could learn things the first time. I'm sorry you got to keep drilling things into my head in order that I learn. Actually, I'm not. I am, but I'm not. I am eternally grateful for your patience. I would be lost (without you). And I am sorry, that I haven't listened. I heard it, but shrugged it off.
I'm trying too hard and gripping the club too tight. Too hard and I'm shaking. Too hard and I'm worrying. Too hard and I'm stalling. Freezing.
And with the guitar, in my strumming, just trying too hard...
I still don't understand what trying too hard has to do with my strumming, i know I am trying hard, harder than I should but... I'll keep practicing at the guitar. Jimmy Sev had encouraged me to just practice. Practice practice practice.
Hey if you say practice long enough it begins to sound weird. Practice practice practice... annoying word to say.
K whatever, so.. I'm going to figure out now... how I can just keep going, my slate is clean (everyday), just keep going.
During my hikes, I see the constant moving rivers, my heart says "Yes. I want to be like that". I look at a pond, stale and unmoving, my heart says "No. Ew. Gross. I don't want to be like that". 'N lately I just been STUCK.
Back in... December I had said
"I squeezed through the brushes, blazed some new trails in my life, working on some old ones, mostly peeled through muddy areas where I have been getting stuck. Overall, I'm bomming on life's crazy roads and enjoying it!"
Not sure right now that I'm as enthusiastic. Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. Feel that I'm in the muddy and still stuck. It's been too long now. I'm in over my head I feel sometimes. 'N I need help, God's been tellin me that too. I am independant somewhat, pioneering, and God gives me the strength to blaze new trails. But right now.. I just need help.
I hate asking people for help.
Especially if it's for myself and in my weaknesses. I never want to inconvenience anyone with my problems. At least that's what the voice keeps saying to me. I know that's not truth.
Time and season for everything, guess I'm in the season for depending on others. To help me out. I'm part of a body, part of the church, I need others. I haven't been pulling away from People, I very much love them, especially being with them. In areas of my life I keep them at a distance. I open my heart only so far as to make sure I'm not being too vulnerable. Making sure I won't get hurt.
This is lack of humility.
Lack of confidence in "God's ability through me".
Sheesh, i am a coward.
'N a verse jus popped into my head the other day "Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world".
Bing! Lightbulb!
Yup, let myself believe that he who's in the world is greater than He who is in me.
So that's definately kicked me in the butt and turned me the other way.
Yup. This has been my past few months. Putting energy into too much and even no energy put into anything at all. So I'll just keep going. In that way appointed.
Get unstuck.
Refrain from trying too hard. Relax.
That's good 'cause my (spiritual) muscles may soon go into spasms.
Either that or muscle cramps.
Sunday, June 4
Death, swallowed up in victory
The sting of death is sin, and the power of the sin is the law. But thanks be to God! HE gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore... stand firm.
Let nothing move you.
Always give yourselves FULLY to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord IS NOT IN VAIN.
1 Corinthians 15:54c-58
Thank you Lord, that you enable me to surrender. No sin can hinder me from complete freedom. I am in release when I give to you all that I have.
For when I am under affliction, it is then, any sin in my life, I am more able to loosen my grip on sin.
You are my True Light.
The power of the resurrection fastens to me every morning,
every morning, a new slate. I can start clean.
Receiving power is staying power.
Isaiah 25:7-8 , Hosea 13:14